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*INTRODUCTION- Blue Sapphire (Neelam Stone) is a highly precious blue colored gemstone of the Corundum mineral family. Recognized as the most powerful and fastest acting gemstone in vedic astrology it brings instant wealth fame and success in wearer’s life *HISTORY- *HOW TO WEAR- -Weight - Minimum 1/10th of the body weight. E.g. – a person weighing 50 kgs can wear a 5 Ratti plus neelam ratna. -colour - For best astrological results bright medium to dark blue sapphire is highly preferred. -Metal- Silver is highly recommended. Gold is usually avoided. -Finger- Middle finger of the working hand. -Day & Time- Saturday after sunset is the best time to wear Blue Sapphire. o -Mantra & Chanting Times – Before wearing an gemstone keep it immersed in a bowl having 1 spoon of Curd Honey Gangajal Tulsi leaves and Ghee for 10 minutes. This will activate and cleanse your gemstone ornament and remove all its impurities. o After your regular prayers take the ring out of this mixture and wash it with pure Gangajal. Recite the Mantra 5 times Times - Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः। then wear. ) *WHO CAN WEAR/USE- Being associated with the karmic Saturn Blue Sapphire is recommended for people undergoing difficult phase of ‘Shani Sadhe Saati’ or ‘Dhaiya’ in their lives. Since its effects are quite strong and felt instantly Neelam gemstone should be recommended only by expert astrologers and with a great deal of caution. • Indian astrology prescribes Neelam ratna for Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbh (Aquarius) rashi. • Western astrology recommends blue sapphire birthstone for Libra. • Neelam birthstone can also be worn by Gemini Virgo and Taurus. *QUALITY- Like other colored gemstones quality of blue sapphire is measured by collectively assessing its origin color clarity and other factors like uniqueness. Knowing what to look for can help you buy blue sapphire online as per your financial and astrological conditions. • Origin – Blue sapphires mines have been discovered in Kashmir (India) Myanmar Sri Lanka Madagascar Thailand and America. However being royal blue and velvety in texture Kashmir sapphires are rated highest on the quality scale. Ceylon blue sapphire gemstones are also considered to be of fine quality. Other origin varieties like Bangkok blue sapphires are darker in color and hence less worthy. • Color – Going by sapphire color chart ‘true blue’ is considered ideal (e.g. Cornflower blue sapphire) which is neither too violet or too purple. In addition the stone should be just enough bright and vividly saturated so that it doesn’t look dull or too luminent. Majority of Kashmir blue sapphires display these characteristics and hence are extremely precious. However quality begins to drop if one or all three traits of color matrix are compromised. In Hindi deep blue neelam gems are often referred as Indraneelam stone. • Clarity – Given their gemological composition inclusions are usually acceptable in sapphires. Visible inclusions in blue sapphire usually exist as fine silk (needles) fingerprints and color bands. Natural blue sapphires without visible inclusions are rarely found and hence are exorbitantly expensive. However it is always advisable to buy certified blue sapphire whether online or from reputed dealers to ensure a fair purchase. • Uniqueness - Blue Star Sapphire – Sapphires are known to exhibit ‘asterism’ in a six-ray star like fashion. A blue sapphire producing such an effect is called Star Sapphire. They have been discovered in Sri Lanka Australia Myanmar Thailand and certain parts of Africa and South- East Asia. Being opaque Blue star sapphire price depends on luster and perfection of the star print which is best viewed under direct sunlight by tilting the stone at different angles. A well-aligned six-ray radial can drastically increase blue star sapphire’s value. *PRICING- Worth of blue sapphire stems from its rarity and popularity as a jewelry gemstone. In addition being astrologically important blue sapphire price in India or outside trend in a wide range of ₹ 2 500 and ₹ 2 00 000 plus per carat ($40 to $3080). • Origin – Kashmir sapphire price per carat range stays between ₹ 50 000 and ₹ 5 00 000 plus ($750 to $7690) because of ‘true blue’ color and velvety texture associated with this origin. Ceylon blue sapphire price per carat range between ₹ 2000 and ₹ 32 000 plus ($30 to $490) because of overall decent quality. Thailand blue sapphires are much cheaper. • Color – ‘True Blue’ or Royal Blue is the most desirable color in blue sapphires. In addition tone saturation and color consistency carry considerable influence on blue sapphire’s overall value. A bright pure blue and vividly saturated piece draws much higher price in the market than sapphires that are too dark or too blue or gra

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